PCNTL is php funtion that can be use the control and manage process. It is similar to process creation, execution , termination in unix.
Following are the steps to install PCNTL funtion in cpanel server.
1. Create a file all_php5 in the folder /var/cpanel/easy/apache/rawopts
2. Add '--enable-pcntl' in the file all_php5.
3. Rebuild apache using /scripts/easyapache
You can verify it using php -m | grep pcntl
Following are the steps to install PCNTL funtion in cpanel server.
1. Create a file all_php5 in the folder /var/cpanel/easy/apache/rawopts
2. Add '--enable-pcntl' in the file all_php5.
3. Rebuild apache using /scripts/easyapache
You can verify it using php -m | grep pcntl