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iptables rules migration

We have situations where we need to migrate the complete rules in iptables/csf from the old server to the new server. In this case, we can use the command iptables-save

root@help2linux [~]# iptables-save >  iptables_rules_back

This command will write the complete backup of the iptables rules to the file   iptables_rules_back
Now we need to import these rules in to our new server. This can be done using the command

root@new-help2linux [~]# iptables-restore <  iptables_rules_back


WHM/cPanel - csf Internal Server Error

While accessing csf through whm, you may get this error.

Internal Server Error
No response from subprocess (/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/addon_csf.cgi): subprocess exited with status 2
cpsrvd/ Server at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Fix: Update the csf version using 
root@server [~]# curl -s configserver.com/free/csupdate | perl