Site useful for linux administration and web hosting


Video uploading throws error -- Failed to find flength file.

This is a well known error with the uploader component (which is commonly used by many scripts like clipshare, phpmotion etc). This is just a cosmetic error and nothing to do with the real uploading process. The best "workaround" for this issue is to disable the error message. To do so, locate the file cgi-bin/uu_ini_status.pl inside your script folder and change the value of my $flength_file_exists from 0 to 1.

The bad news is, you won't see the upload status counter. The good news is, your upload process will work just fine!


PhpMotion Installation

If you want to run PHPmotion you will need either to have a dedicated server with the following required modules installed OR a web hosting provider that already has these features.

Servers - Linux/Unix server

  • PHP 4.3 and above (including support of CLI)
  • MySQL database server
  • LAME MP3 Encoder
  • Libogg + Libvorbis
  • Mencoder and also Mplayer
  • FFMpeg-PHP
  • GD Library 2 or higher
  • CGI-BIN    

PHP Settings

  • open_basedir = (no value)
  • upload_max_filesize = 100M
  • post_max_size = 100M
  • max_execution_time = 1500
  • session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000
  • safe_mode = off
  • enable_dl = On

Apache Web Server

  • .htaccess support
  • mod rewrite 
You will need to have your Mysql Database Information. You can create a Mysql database via your web hosts control panel
- Mysql Database Name
- Mysql Database User Name
- Mysql Database Password

Downloading PHPmotion

You can download phpmotion from the URL

General Instructions

  • Unzip the download file
  • Upload (the contents) to your website using FTP
  • The following files MUST be uploaded in Binary mode
    • /phpshiled/all files in this folder
    • /classes/config.php
    • /addons/customprofile/pimp.class.php
    • /addons/customprofile/index.php
  • The following files must be CHMOD to 755
    • /cgi-bin/all files and folder in this folder
  • Start the installation wizard by (opening in your broswer) http://www.yourdomain.com/setup (you will be required to chmod a few more files by the setup wizard)
The setup wizard will guide you through the rest of the installation process.

Additional Instructions

Installing to a Sub-Directory

If you are installing to a sub directory (example: http://www.yourdomain.com/**phpmotion**) you should do all the steps above and also the steps below additional steps

Edit the following files to include your subfolder name: (in this example the subfolder name we have inserted is phpmotion )

  • /cgi-bin/uu_default_config.pm
  • /cgi-bin/audio/uu_default_config.pm

    temp_dir                 => $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . '/phpmotion/temp/',
    upload_dir               => $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . '/phpmotion/uploads/avi/',
    redirect_url             => '/phpmotion/uploader_finished.php',
    path_to_upload           => '/phpmotion/uploads/avi/',

  • /audio_uploader_conlib.php
  • /uploader_conlib.php

$path_to_upload_script      = '/phpmotion/cgi-bin/uu_upload.pl';
 $path_to_ini_status_script  = '/phpmotion/cgi-bin/uu_ini_status.pl';

  • /.htaccess

  • #----- if phpmotion is installed in a sub directory edit the RewriteBase as follows -----#
      # EXAMPLE => RewriteBase /phpmotion
      # EXAMPLE => RewriteBase /phpmotion
      RewriteBase /
    For trouble sooting common errors in phpmotion, 


    Clipbucket Video error : "This video might not work properly "

    When we try to play the upoaded video in clipbucket, we will get the error "This video might not work properly " in the top of the video. This is becuase, server is unable to convert that video. To solve this issue, we need to add a cron under the user to convert the video and should verify the converted video.

    vi /var/spool/cron/abhilash
    * * * * * php -q /relative/path/to/clipbucket/actions/video_convert.php
    * * * * * php -q /relative/path/to/clipbucket/actions/verify_converted_videos.php

    Then restart the cron  /etc/init.d/crond restart

    For any further clarification of clipbucket installation you can refer the link:


    RVSkin installation in cpanel server

    SSH as root to server that was registered while purchasing the license and run:
    mkdir /root/rvadmin
    cd /root/rvadmin
    wget http://download.rvglobalsoft.com/download.php/download/rvskin-auto/saveto/rvauto.tar.bz2
    bunzip2 -d rvauto.tar.bz2
     tar -xvf rvauto.tar
     perl /root/rvadmin/auto_rvskin.pl

    Answer a couple of questions on your shell, and wait until it finishes. First installation will take 2- 5 minutes to install. Installer will create a new hosting account 'rvadmin'. Don't terminate it. It will be used for internal RVSkin configuration management.

    Log in to RVSkin Manager. Both root and reseller are able to access RVSkin Manager in WHM / Plugins (at the bottom left menu). If you cannot find the RVSkin Manager menu, please close WHM and open it again
    If there is no messages display on the skin, please run this command on your SSH.

    rm -f /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/rvversion
    perl /root/rvadmin/auto_rvskin.pl

    In RVSkin Manager:

    • Set global configuration
    • Set default language
    • Create default feature list for user and for reseller
    • Set tweak setting, reseller feature control, body links, top links, help, tutorial links, and etc.
    • Test configuration setting in 2 hosting accounts.
      • rvadmin: this account can consider to be account belong to root
      • reseller's client: this account will reflect setting from reseller skin manager. If it is not configured, it will remain anonymous.

      If you are having any issues in installing rvskin 


    Send/Recieve email using Telnet

    Send mail through SMTP using Telnet

    Telnet to the server via port 25.

    1. Type “EHLO example.com” and hit enter.

    2.  “MAIL FROM: sender@domain.com” and hit enter.

    3.  “RCPT TO: recipient@domain.com” and hit enter.

    4.  “DATA” and hit enter.

    5. Type your message body and hit enter.

    6. Key in ” . ” and press enter to exit.

    You will recieve the mail.


    root@test.com]# telnet 25
    Connected to (
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 test.tt.example.com ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2195.6713 ready at Thu, 3 Apr 2008 15:39:17 +0800
    EHLO Vsource.com
    250-smtp11.klk.example.com Hello []
    250 OK
    MAIL FROM: abhi@example.com
    250 2.1.0 abhi@example.com....Sender OK
    RCPT TO: abhi_tt@example.com
    250 2.1.5 abhi_tt@example.com
    354 Start mail input; end with .
    this is a test over SMTP
    250 2.6.0 Queued mail for delivery
    221 2.0.0 smtp11.klk.example.com Service closing transmission channel
    Connection closed by foreign host.