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word-press url change, site not loading correctly

If you wordpress url has changed, while accessing the domain. Your site will not load correctly.
For this you need to change the values in the wordpress database.

First you need to change the siteurl field inthe wp_otions table,

select * from wp_option where option_name="siteurl";

update wp_options SET option_value="http://newdomainname.com" where option_name="siteurl"

Then you need to update the "home" field in the wp_otions table,
select * from wp_options where option_name="home";
update wp_options SET option_value="http://newdomainname.com" where option_name="home";

Queueprocd Failed.

Usually you need to check perlmodules installed in the server /scripts/checkperlmodules
Then /scripts/upcp should fix the issue.

If this does not fix the issue, it may be issue with the perl.
Check whether there are two perl binaries in the server.

For eg :


Solution :
You need to remove /usr/bin/perl, and created a symlink for it to /usr/local/bin/perl via:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/bin/perl

This is the proper setup to allow for Perl to function properly with cPanel. Once this was fixed, You need to run the following command:

/scripts/checkperlmodules --full
Upon testing, you can see all Perl modules are now properly installed, and Queueprocd is up well.