Site useful for linux administration and web hosting


RKhunter installation

RKhunter is a tool used to scan the server for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits.

Steps to install RKhunter:

1. Download from

 wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/rkhunter/files/latest/download?source=files

2 Extract it
tar -xvzf rkhunter-1.3.8.tar.gz

3.  cd rkhunter-1.3.8

4. Run the installation command as given below.
./installer.sh --layout default --install

  /usr/local/bin/rkhunter --update

  /usr/local/bin/rkhunter --propupd

  /usr/local/bin/rkhunter -c


Kaltura Installation

Kaltura is an open source video platform, video solutions, software and services for video publishing, management and monetization. It is mainly used in video hosting.
Following are the steps to install kalture in a cpanel server (Centos 5.6)

1. Suphp and suexec should be disable for effective working of Kaltura.
2.  ini_set should be enable in php.ini
3. Php modules such as Exif, Mysqli, Iconv should be enabled in the server. This can be done using easyapache.
4. Apache module such as file_cache should be enabled .
5. Suhosin should be disabled in the server
6. Memcached and Pentaho should be installed.
7. Set 'lower_case_table_names = 1' in my.cnf and restart MySQL
8. Mysql root password should be taken. You can get this from the file /root/.my.cnf

You can download the Kaltura installation file from Kaltura official website. Once the installation files is recieved, unzip that file. You can see a file called "install.php"

Login to the server as root and run the command given below.
php install.php

This will be asking certian questions such as 

1. In order to improve Kaltura Community Edition, we would like your permission to send system data to Kaltura. This information will be used exclusively for improving our software and our service quality. I agree (Y/n)  Y
2. If you wish, please provide your email address so that we can offer you future assistance (leave empty to pass):  admin@abhionliux.in
3. The following apachectl script has been detected: /usr/sbin/apachectl. Do you want to use this script to run your Kaltura application? Leave empty to use or provide a pathname to an alternative apachectl script on your server.
Leave it as empty
4. The following PHP binary has been detected: /usr/local/bin/php. Do you want to use this script to run your Kaltura application? Leave empty to use or provide a pathname to an alternative PHP binary on your server.
Leave it as empy
5. Full target directory path for Kaltura application (leave empty for /opt/kaltura)
Leave it as empy
6. Please enter the domain name/virtual hostname that will be used for the Kaltura server (without http://)
7 . Your primary system administrator email address
8. The password you want to set for your primary administrator
9. Database host (leave empty for 'localhost')
Leave empty
10. Database port (leave empty for '3306')
Leave empty
11. Database username (with create & write privileges)
12. Database password (leave empty for no password)
13. The URL to your xymon/hobbit monitoring location. Xymon is an optional installation. Leave empty to set manually later
Leave Empty

You will get the following message.

 Installation Completed Successfully.
Your Kaltura Admin Console credentials:
System Admin user: admin@abhionlinux.co.cc
System Admin password: admin123

Please keep this information for future use.

To start using Kaltura, please complete the following steps:
1. Add the following line to your /etc/hosts file:  abhionlinux.co.cc
2. Add the following line to your Apache configurations file (Usually called httpd.conf or apache2.conf):
        Include /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/apache/my_kaltura.conf
3. Restart apache
4. Browse to your Kaltura start page at: http://abhionlinux.co.cc/start

Once you get this message, open the file /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/apache/my_kaltura.conf and you need to replace the * with the IP address
Eg :  VirtualHost *:80  
This should be replaced by  VirtualHost

Now you can access kalture using http://abhionlinux.co.cc/start