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How to install Kloxso/Lxadmin in a Linux server

Make sure that you open the ports 7778 and 7777 in the firewall. Otherwise you won't be able to connect to kloxo.
You have to disable selinux by editing /etc/sysconfig/selinux and changing the line to selinux=disabled and then running
# $ setenforce 0


Kloxo installation consists of downloading either the kloxo-install-master.sh or kloxo-install-slave.sh from download.lxlabs.com and executing them as root. They will download all the required files and do the complete installation on their own.


# $ wget http://download.lxlabs.com/download/kloxo/production/kloxo-install-master.sh
# $ sh ./kloxo-install-master.sh

You will presented with a question/menu from yum/up2date, on which you can press


Kloxo will install:

1. Web server:

* apache
* pure-ftp
* awstats

2. Mail server:

* qmail-toaster
* courier (imap pop)
* webmail
* httpd (for webmail)

3. Nameserver:
* bind
* bind-chroot
4. Database Server:
* mysql-server

Once kloxo is installed, you can connect to 'http://machine-name:7778', and you will be presented with a login screen - the password would be 'admin'. Once you login, Kloxo will explicitly force you to change the password to something other than 'admin'.

If you want to have a cluster, you have to run 'kloxo-install-slave.sh' in all the servers that you intend to make as slaves. Once 'kloxo-install-slave.sh' is completed, you can add the server from the 'add server' page in the master's server page. From then on, you can manage every aspect of the server through our intuitive graphical interface. We expect you to have a great time managing your hosting through kloxo. IF you run into any problems, please visit our forum at our website 'http://lxlabs.com/forum', and you can ask your query there. Since our forum is integrated with mailing list which in turn has our main developers as members, you can get direct answers from the developers themselves.

Upgrading kloxo is as easy as click of button. The 'update home' page will show you the latest version of kloxo available, and the 'release notes' listing will tell you the changes that happened since your version, in a very clear format - the bug fix/security fix/feature additions all will be displayed in different colors and clearly identifiable in the listing. This wil help you in making a decision about how critical is the upgradation of kloxo, and how soon it should be updated. The release notes will also contain any special information the user should know after the upgradation is done. All this makes sure that your 'managing the server' days are over, and you can entirely focus your time more productively on your business.


Howto use multiple SSH keys for password less login

Step # 1: Generate first ssh key

Type the following command to generate your first public and private key on a local workstation. Next provide the required input or accept the defaults. Please do not change the filename and directory location.

workstation#1 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Finally, copy your public key to your remote server using scp

workstation#1 $ scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@remote.server.com:.ssh/authorized_keys

Step # 2: Generate next/multiple ssh key

a) Login to 2nd workstation

b) Download original the authorized_keys file from remote server using scp

workstation#2 $ scp user@remote.server.com:.ssh/authorized_keys ~/.ssh

c) Now create the new pub/private key:

workstation#2 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa

d) Now you have new public key. APPEND this key to the downloaded authorized_keys file using cat command:

workstation#2 $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

workstation#2 $ scp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys user@remote.server.com:.ssh/

You can repeat step #2 for each user or workstations for remote server.

Step #3: Test your setup

Now try to login from Workstation #1, #2 and so on to remote server. You should not be asked for a password: