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Showing posts with label Clipbucket Video error : "This video might not work properly ". Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clipbucket Video error : "This video might not work properly ". Show all posts


Clipbucket Video error : "This video might not work properly "

When we try to play the upoaded video in clipbucket, we will get the error "This video might not work properly " in the top of the video. This is becuase, server is unable to convert that video. To solve this issue, we need to add a cron under the user to convert the video and should verify the converted video.

vi /var/spool/cron/abhilash
* * * * * php -q /relative/path/to/clipbucket/actions/video_convert.php
* * * * * php -q /relative/path/to/clipbucket/actions/verify_converted_videos.php

Then restart the cron  /etc/init.d/crond restart

For any further clarification of clipbucket installation you can refer the link: