If you want to run PHPmotion you will need either to have a dedicated server with the following required
modules installed OR a web hosting provider that already has these features.
Servers - Linux/Unix server
- PHP 4.3 and above (including support of CLI)
- MySQL database server
- LAME MP3 Encoder
- Libogg + Libvorbis
- Mencoder and also Mplayer
- FFMpeg-PHP
- GD Library 2 or higher
PHP Settings
- open_basedir = (no value)
- upload_max_filesize = 100M
- post_max_size = 100M
- max_execution_time = 1500
- session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000
- safe_mode = off
- enable_dl = On
Apache Web Server
- .htaccess support
- mod rewrite
You will need to have your Mysql Database Information. You can create a Mysql database via your web hosts control panel
Mysql Database Name
Mysql Database User Name
Mysql Database Password
Downloading PHPmotion
You can download phpmotion from the URL
General Instructions
- Unzip the download file
- Upload (the contents) to your website using FTP
- The following files MUST be uploaded in Binary mode
- /phpshiled/all files in this folder
- /classes/config.php
- /addons/customprofile/pimp.class.php
- /addons/customprofile/index.php
- The following files must be CHMOD to 755
- /cgi-bin/all files and folder in this folder
- Start the installation wizard by (opening in your broswer) http://www.yourdomain.com/setup (you will be required to chmod a few more files by the setup wizard)
The setup wizard will guide you through the rest of the installation process.
Additional Instructions
Installing to a Sub-Directory
If you are installing to a sub directory (example:
http://www.yourdomain.com/**phpmotion**) you should do all the steps above and also the steps below
additional steps
Edit the following files to include your subfolder name: (in this example the subfolder name we have inserted is
phpmotion )
- /cgi-bin/uu_default_config.pm
- /cgi-bin/audio/uu_default_config.pm
temp_dir => $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . '/phpmotion/temp/',
upload_dir => $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} . '/phpmotion/uploads/avi/',
redirect_url => '/phpmotion/uploader_finished.php',
path_to_upload => '/phpmotion/uploads/avi/',
- /audio_uploader_conlib.php
- /uploader_conlib.php
$path_to_upload_script = '/phpmotion/cgi-bin/uu_upload.pl';
$path_to_ini_status_script = '/phpmotion/cgi-bin/uu_ini_status.pl';
#----- if phpmotion is installed in a sub directory edit the RewriteBase as follows -----#
# EXAMPLE => RewriteBase /phpmotion
# EXAMPLE => RewriteBase /phpmotion
RewriteBase /
For trouble sooting common errors in phpmotion,